Practice Corner

Activity 1
Click on  the link below and then click on "Play: Quiz Game".
Speak Quiz Game

Activity 2
Listen to the following poem by Emily Dickinson read by Yina Liang and then move on to the next posted writing activity.
I'm Nobody, Who Are You?

Activity 3
1. Read the following poem by Emily Dickinson:

I'm Nobody! Who are You?
by Emily Dickinson
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us -don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

2. Consider:
• Is the Speaker really nobody? What is the Speaker’s mood? Bitter? Playful? Sad?
• What is this poem really talking about?
• Is the desire to be alone always a sign of bad mental health? What are some other
reasons for wanting to be alone?
• When someone rejects our company, how do we feel? Whose problem is it?
Record your initial reaction as well as your thoughts after we discussed the poem. How
did your view of the poem change?

Activity 4
Click on the link below and then go to "Take the Quiz". See how much you know about sexual harassment in schools.
Sexual Harrassment Quiz
